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Radio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC

Radio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC
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Radio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC

The Club Radio Bio Bio – CE5SLC born the month of March 2012, as a way to integrate and represent a larger number of amateur radio at the provincial level ..This organization has as main purpose to practice and develop amateur radio among its members; encourage healthy participation in social and recreational activities as well as, if necessary, assist government authorities in emergencies such as natural disasters, public calamities, floods, etc.The Radio Club of the Bio Bio – CE5SLC keeps operating for ham community: a repeater on the 2 meter band located in the foothills of the Province of Bio Bio, a repeater in the VHF band located in the urban area of ​​the city Los Angeles, Provincial Capital, a repeater on UHF located in the vicinity of the city of Los Angeles. It also has links echolink and dissemination platforms in Internet activity of their repeaters.Radio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC official website address is www.ce5slc.clChileRadio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC
Land: Chile
Genre(s): / /
AAC: 256 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 1411
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Radio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC
Radio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC
Radio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC
The Club Radio Bio Bio – CE5SLC born the month of March 2012, as a way to integrate and represent a larger number of amateur radio at the provincial level ..This organization has as main purpose to practice and develop amateur radio among its members; encourage healthy participation in social and recreational activities as well as, if necessary, assist government authorities in emergencies such as natural disasters, public calamities, floods, etc.The Radio Club of the Bio Bio – CE5SLC keeps operating for ham community: a repeater on the 2 meter band located in the foothills of the Province of Bio Bio, a repeater in the VHF band located in the urban area of ​​the city Los Angeles, Provincial Capital, a repeater on UHF located in the vicinity of the city of Los Angeles. It also has links echolink and dissemination platforms in Internet activity of their repeaters.Radio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC official website address is www.ce5slc.clChileRadio Club del Bio Bio CE5SLC
Land: Chile
Genre(s): / /
AAC: 256 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 1411
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